FAQ Page

What does it cost to create a production?

Our costs are based on man hours and project requirements. Speak to our producers to find out more.

How long does it take to complete production?

It can take anywhere from two weeks upwards. However, it typically takes approximately two months for most productions to go from concept to completion. This can vary depending on the needs of each project.

I need a video urgently!

We have produced videos that are shown on the same day with an on-site editor if required. However, do give us more info so we can better advise the possibilities.

How many previews do I get?

Most productions fall within three previews. Our first preview is already a complete version with picture lock, colour grading, music and even graphics and text. This allows our clients to provide us with valuable feedback for the second preview. The third preview is usually for small edits.

Can you give us the raw footages?

You paid us for the job, you definitely can keep the raw footages. However, our raw may be in various formats to benefit the project outcome, and file sizes may be large. Please provide us a hard disk for the footages or speak to our producers to obtain the hard disk for a small fee.

Can I use a content I downloaded for my video?

If you downloaded the content from the web, it is advisable to keep a record of where you downloaded it from. As long as there are no infringement of copyrights, you are free to use the content in your video. Speak to our producers to find out more. 

Can you provide us with the working files?

We are able to provide you only with the working files that do not have copyrights to them. As such, some elements may be missing. This is the license limitations of copyrighted materials. Do note that this will come at an additional fee to the total cost.

Can the cost be made cheaper?

We look at each project as a collaboration between our clients and ourselves. As such, depending on how much work we are required to do and how much the client can self-produce, we can certainly work out a package price for you.

Do you keep a copy of the footage from before?

We try to maintain an archive of footages from all our past projects for our clients to access when required. Speak to our producers if you need a proper archive of the footages.

I need some overseas filming. Can you assist?

Our team has travelled across Asia to capture content over the past 20 years. Speak to our producers for more information.